My Work

What I do

From understanding your requirements, designing a blueprint and delivering the final product, I do everything that falls in between these lines.


An effective UI/UX is what captures attention and spreads a clear message. I make sure the design is innovative and neat with all of this.

Amazon online Arbitrage specialist

Search for retail products, perform cost analysis and determine if these product leads can be sold in Amazon with reasonable profit

Data entry & analysis

Enter data into a spreadsheet or other platforms. As needed, use this information and translate into graphs, charts, tables and other visual aids to make forthcoming trends or situations easily understandable to stakeholder and take further action.

Game Development

Have a crazy gaming idea that you wish to bring to reality? I can help you build this for you. Having worked on various platforms, I can be your right choice.

Logo & Graphic Design

It’s a good practise to get your logos, images and website done from one source. I can help you design those that will fit and match into the website and app quickly.

Copywriting & Content Creation

Just like graphics, the content and your website or app design should also go hand-in-hand. So, I can help you create amazing content that complements my design and your business.

My Latest Work